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Visitor Guide to Naval Consolidated Brig, Miramar

Overview of the Facility

The Naval Consolidated Brig, Miramar, located in San Diego, California, is a military prison operated by the United States Navy. It primarily houses male and female military prisoners with sentences up to ten years, and also offers a Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program.

Contact Information

Address: 46141 Miramar Way, San Diego, CA 92145-6260

Phone Number: (858) 577-7132

Website: www.miramarbrig.com

Email: Not provided publicly for security reasons.

How to Locate an Inmate

To locate an inmate at the Naval Consolidated Brig, contact the facility directly through the phone number provided. Due to security and privacy concerns typical with military operations, specific online inmate search tools may not be available.

Visitation Information and Hours

Family members who wish to visit inmates must be on the approved visitation list. Visits are typically allowed on weekends, but the exact hours and visitor permissions should be confirmed directly with the facility by calling ahead.

Visitors are required to undergo security screening and must comply with all enforced regulations during their visit.

How to Send Money

Currently, information about sending money to inmates housed at the Miramar Brig is not publicly available. Family members are encouraged to contact the administration office for details on financial procedures.

Phone Calls and Video Visitation Options

Inmates may be allowed to make phone calls during designated times, using a system regulated by the facility. Video visitation may also be available, depending on current facility policies and the inmate's status. Contact the facility for more detailed information.

Inmate Services and Programs

The Brig offers various services and programs to inmates, including educational opportunities, vocational training, and counseling. Additionally, the Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program is an integral part of aiding inmate rehabilitation and reintegration.

Security and Management Information

As a military correctional facility, the Naval Consolidated Brig, Miramar has stringent security measures and is managed by trained military personnel adhering to strict guidelines to ensure the safety and security of both staff and inmates.

Booking and Release Process

Incoming inmates undergo a booking process including an identification check, medical evaluation, and inventory of personal items. The release process is coordinated through military commands and legal advisories to ensure a controlled and orderly transition.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the visiting hours?

Visitation hours are generally during weekends, but please contact the facility directly to confirm specific days and times.

Q: Can I send packages to an inmate at Miramar Brig?

Direct sending of packages may not be allowed. Please verify with the facility's administration for approved methods and items that can be sent.

Leave a Review

If you are a current or former inmate, employee, family member or a friend of someone who is in prison, please share your feedback so others can get better understanding how the institution works. The survey is completely anonymous and your personal information will never be shared or publicly shown.

How to lookup someone in prison or jail

Steps to follow for finding
an Inmate

Step 2

Enter inmate id and personal information

Enter the inmate personal informations in the required fields

Step 3

Enter inmate id and personal information

Click on the 'Submit' button

General Stats for California

California Total Number of Inmates


California Total No. of Inmates

Number of people under Probation Supervision


Number of people under Probation Supervision

Prison population rate


Prison population rate: 100,000 residents

Parole Population


Parole Population

Incarcerated individuals with sentences of 50 years or longer


Incarcerated individuals with sentences of 50 years or longer





















