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Guide for Families and Friends of Inmates at South Dakota State Penitentiary

Overview of South Dakota State Penitentiary

The South Dakota State Penitentiary is located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and is a maximum-security facility. It is designed to house adult male inmates, particularly those who require the highest level of security and oversight.

Contact Information

Address: 1600 North Drive, P.O. Box 5911, Sioux Falls, SD 57117-5911
Phone Number: (605) 367-5051
Website: South Dakota State Penitentiary
Email: Not publicly available.

How to Locate an Inmate

To locate an inmate at the South Dakota State Penitentiary, you can use the South Dakota Department of Corrections (SDDC) online inmate locator tool on their website. This tool allows you to search by inmate’s name or DOC number.

Visitation Information

Visitation hours vary by the housing assignment of the inmate. To visit an inmate, you must be on the inmate's approved visitor list. Prior to your visit, check the specific guidelines and complete any required paperwork by contacting the facility or visiting their website.

Sending Money to Inmates

Funds can be deposited into an inmate's account via electronic transfer using services like JPay or ConnectNetwork. More details and links to these services can be found on the South Dakota Department of Corrections website.

Phone Calls and Video Visitation Options

Inmates at South Dakota State Penitentiary are allowed to make outgoing phone calls through a system that may require family and friends to create an account with the prison’s telecommunication provider. Video visitation is also available through approved vendors.

Inmate Services and Programs

The facility offers various educational and vocational training programs, counseling, and rehabilitation services to help inmates reintegrate into society post-release.

Security and Management Information

The South Dakota State Penitentiary is a maximum-security institution with comprehensive security measures that include controlled movements, intensive supervisory protocols, and high-level monitoring systems.

Legal and Visitation Rights

Inmates are entitled to fair treatment under the law and have the right to visitation, though these can be restricted based on security concerns. It is advisable to consult with legal professionals or the correctional facility for specific inmate rights and regulations.

Booking and Release Process

The booking process involves documentation, a health evaluation, and assignment to a housing unit. The release process depends on the completion of sentence terms or parole eligibility, managed by the South Dakota Department of Corrections.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What should I expect during my first visit?

Expect a security screening and potential wait times. Make sure to bring a valid ID and adhere strictly to the visitation schedule and rules set by the facility.

Q: How can I send money to an inmate?

Money can be sent through JPay or ConnectNetwork. Ensure to have the inmate’s ID ready for completing the transaction.

What Do Inmate Families/Friends Think?

Inmate Families and Friends feedback is a very significant role in understanting the prison culture, how some institution works as sometimes they are the only ones that can share the experience with others.


Inmate Safety


Inmate Food Quality


Inmate Privacy


Visitation Rights


Treatment of Visitors


Commissary Items and Prices


Phone Availability


Safety of Inmate Personal Property


Cleanliness of Facility


How Inmates Treat Each Other


How Officers Treat Inmates


Educational Program Quality


Recreational Program Choices




Library Quality


Mental Health Programs


Drug Rehabilitation Programs




Family Member

My fiance's probation was just revoked and he was sentenced about 3 weeks ago. feb 1st diagnosed with congestive heart failure, implant received in May, wasn't getting his water pill. He told me for 3 days he was having trouble breathing. That means he is drowning. Ended in the ER, every time this happens it effects the heart. Does not have his monitoring device for his heart implant. Has missed 3 regular dr visits and a new specialist visit. Is it because his CSO accused him of faking his heart condition? Is it because he had a bed in a rehab facility in May and his CSO didn't notify him with the date? Is that why this heart condition won't be taken seriously.


Family Member

My fiance has congestive heart failure because of years of drug abuse, he has a pace maker. He has missed 5 appointments with his heart specialist. He ended up really sick 2 weeks ago, retaining mass amounts of fluid. They let him see his dr over tv monitor. He doesn't have his device to maintain records that have to be loaded from the pacemaker. Not getting proper med dose, health services says he is fine. Probation revokation is why he is there on a possession felony. His CSO held a bed date for impatient treatment and thought he should just be locked up. I mean she did say that he was faking his heart condition. I get to visit with him about 10 minutes every other day because his classification still isn't done, almost 30 days.Cannot be exposed to anything. Visiting area is not very clean so I can only imagine what they live in.

Leave a Review

If you are a current or former inmate, employee, family member or a friend of someone who is in prison, please share your feedback so others can get better understanding how the institution works. The survey is completely anonymous and your personal information will never be shared or publicly shown.

How to lookup someone in prison or jail

Steps to follow for finding
an Inmate

Step 2

Enter inmate id and personal information

Enter the inmate personal informations in the required fields

Step 3

Enter inmate id and personal information

Click on the 'Submit' button

General Stats for South Dakota

South Dakota Total Number of Inmates


South Dakota Total No. of Inmates

Number of people under Probation Supervision


Number of people under Probation Supervision

Prison population rate


Prison population rate: 100,000 residents

Parole Population


Parole Population

Incarcerated individuals with sentences of 50 years or longer


Incarcerated individuals with sentences of 50 years or longer

Inmates sentenced to more than 1 Year in private prisons


Inmates sentenced to more than 1 Year in private prisons




















