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Miami Correctional Facility, Indiana - A Comprehensive Guide for Inmate Family Members

Overview of Miami Correctional Facility

Miami Correctional Facility is a high-security state prison located in Bunker Hill, Indiana. It is operated by the Indiana Department of Correction and houses adult male inmates. The facility is designed to manage a large inmate population with a focus on safety, security, and rehabilitation programs.

Contact Information

Address: 3038 West 850 South, Bunker Hill, IN 46914, USA

Phone Number: +1 765-689-8920

Website: https://www.in.gov/idoc/miami-correctional-facility/

Email: Not specifically provided. General inquiries can be directed through the IDOC contact form on their website.

How to Locate an Inmate

To locate an inmate at Miami Correctional Facility, use the Indiana Department of Correction's online offender search tool, accessible through their Find an Offender page. You will need the inmate’s first name, last name, or Offender Number for the search.

Visitation Information

Visitation at Miami Correctional Facility is scheduled based on the inmate's housing unit, and visitors are required to register in advance. Detailed visitation schedules and registration can be accessed on their website.

Visitors must adhere to the facility's dress code and conduct rules during visits. Proper identification is required for all visitors.

Sending Money to an Inmate

Family and friends can send money to inmates through JPay. You can access JPay services online by visiting www.jpay.com. This platform allows you to send money directly into an inmate’s account.

Phone Calls and Video Visitation Options

Inmates at Miami Correctional Facility are allowed to make outgoing phone calls through a system provided by GTL. For video visitations, families need to set up an account with GTL as well.

Inmate Services and Programs

The facility offers various educational, vocational, and rehabilitation programs intended to aid in the reintegration of inmates into society. These include GED programs, college courses, vocational training, substance abuse programs, and more.

Booking and Release Process

During the booking process, inmates are registered, and a record is created. Release processes vary by the inmate’s sentence and behavior; details can be obtained from facility administrative offices.

Frequently Asked Questions

What ID do visitors need?
Visitors must present a valid, government-issued photo ID.
Can I send packages to an inmate?
Only pre-approved packages from authorized vendors are allowed.

Latest News

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  • Link to news 2 - Description of recent event2 (news link placeholder)

Famous Inmates (if applicable)

What Do Inmate Families/Friends Think?

Inmate Families and Friends feedback is a very significant role in understanting the prison culture, how some institution works as sometimes they are the only ones that can share the experience with others.


Inmate Safety


Inmate Food Quality


Inmate Privacy


Visitation Rights


Treatment of Visitors


Commissary Items and Prices


Phone Availability


Safety of Inmate Personal Property


Cleanliness of Facility


How Inmates Treat Each Other


How Officers Treat Inmates


Educational Program Quality


Recreational Program Choices




Library Quality


Mental Health Programs


Drug Rehabilitation Programs




Family Member

Visits are canceled continuesly, The staff when going for a visit, tries to tell you that you don't have a visit when you do. Guards and Warden treat inmates very poorly. Treat them like they are animals in a cage instead of a human. Staff will not give them a secured line to talk to their attorny. Their are stabbings almost daily, and was told that they dont care, because its just one inmate stabbing another inmate. Mail does note get sent out like it should from inmates. Mail has been seen thrown on the floor. Dont receive mail until months later. Phone calls are constantly being dropped, and the worst phone system ever, static and dropped calls everyday. They lock down all the inmates all the time, no showers, no laundry for days. Staff does not act professional, and they treat inmates very poorly. When you do get a visit, they are open contact visits, but the Warden says that you can hug your loved one when arriving but then you have to sit 6 feet apart. which is not a contact visit. This place is very unsafe for inmates and they take alot of their rights away. I have talked to a few inmates and they feel like no one is there to stand up for them. They do not have a voice. I know one inmate was served worms in his food when he was in the whole for a year. No one cares and the facility make their own rules. Even though they are inmates, they are still human beings! Fathers, brothers, sons, grandsons. They deserve to be heard.

Leave a Review

If you are a current or former inmate, employee, family member or a friend of someone who is in prison, please share your feedback so others can get better understanding how the institution works. The survey is completely anonymous and your personal information will never be shared or publicly shown.

How to lookup someone in prison or jail

Steps to follow for finding
an Inmate

Step 2

Enter inmate id and personal information

Enter the inmate personal informations in the required fields

Step 3

Enter inmate id and personal information

Click on the 'Submit' button

General Stats for Indiana

Indiana Total Number of Inmates


Indiana Total No. of Inmates

Number of people under Probation Supervision


Number of people under Probation Supervision

Prison population rate


Prison population rate: 100,000 residents

Parole Population


Parole Population

Incarcerated individuals with sentences of 50 years or longer


Incarcerated individuals with sentences of 50 years or longer

Inmates sentenced to more than 1 Year in private prisons


Inmates sentenced to more than 1 Year in private prisons





















