Guide to J.W. Hamilton Unit (JH) - Texas
The J.W. Hamilton Unit (JH) is a minimum-security state prison located in Bryan, Texas. This facility is operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) and primarily houses inmates who are nearing the end of their sentences and focusing on transition programs.
Contact Information
Address: 200 Lee Morrison Lane, Bryan, TX 77807Phone: (979) 779-1633
Website: J.W. Hamilton Unit Page
How to Locate an Inmate
To locate an inmate at J.W. Hamilton Unit, you can use the TDCJ online inmate search or contact the facility directly using the phone number provided above.
Online Search: TDCJ Inmate Search
Visitation Information and Hours
Visitation times at J.W. Hamilton Unit are typically on weekends. However, because schedules can vary, visitors are urged to confirm with the facility before planning a visit.
Valid identification and prior approval are required for all visitors. Each inmate is allowed to have a maximum of two adults and two children per visit.
Sending Money
Family and friends can send money to inmates through several methods:
- eCommDirect: eCommDirect Portal - Official TDCJ service for sending funds and purchasing commissary goods.
Phone Calls and Video Visitation
Inmates at the J.W. Hamilton Unit can make phone calls using a prepaid account setup through Securus Technologies.
Securus: Securus Technologies
Inmate Services and Programs
The J.W. Hamilton Unit offers a variety of programs and services designed to help inmates in their rehabilitation and reintegration, including educational programs, vocational training, and substance abuse treatment.
Booking and Release Process
The process for booking and release at J.W. Hamilton Unit follows standard procedures outlined by the TDCJ. Booking involves registration, initial health screening, and assignment to a housing unit. Release processes are coordinated with parole and probation departments when applicable.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I send personal items to an inmate?
No, personal items cannot be sent directly to inmates. However, you can purchase approved items through the eCommDirect store.
What are the visitation rules at J.W. Hamilton Unit?
Visitors must be on the inmate's visitation list, provide valid identification, dress appropriately, and adhere to all facility rules during their visit.
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